Recette - Pintade de la Ferme HottierRecette - Pintade de la Ferme Hottier
©Recette - Pintade de la Ferme Hottier|restaurant Avec Amour

Hottier Farm Guinea Fowl

Meal time!

The Chefs of the Pays Thionvillois region invite you to step behind the stove and share some of their top recipes with you. Jodie, the Chef of the Avec Amour restaurant in Terville, serves creative home-made dishes prepared with produce from local distribution networks with a view to ensuring a more virtuous approach for the planet.


Step by step


For the poultry:

●      1 guinea fowl reared on ewe’s milk and corn (Ferme Hottier – 57)
●     Peppers (3 colours)
●     Garlic
●     1 bunch of spring onions
●     20g butter
●     Salt and pepper (La Saline Einville – 54)
●     Celery (2 sticks)
●      2 carrots
●     Extra virgin olive oil

For the vegetables:

●     1 romanesco cabbage
●     1 aubergine
●      6 carrots with tops
●     1 onion
●     2 dried tomatoes
●     1 clove of garlic
●     Salad for decoration


1/ Carve the poultry and set aside (the breast with its skin, wings – idiots leave them out – legs and the carcass).

2/ Cook in a vacuum pack in an immersion circulator for 60 minutes at 56°C: you will have seasoned the egg whites and added the butter and then vacuum packed them.

3/ Remove all the bones and nerves from the legs and roll them into a ballotine in cling film along with the peeled and thinly sliced peppers. Remove the bones from the wings and keep only one, then present it in the shape of a “gigolette”. Season with salt, pepper and a dash of olive oil.

4/ When ready to serve, remove the meat from their vacuum bags and roast them in foaming butter.

5/ Be careful not to cook the ballotine on the side where the filling is so as not to blacken the peppers. Cook the white meat as much as possible on one side.

6/ For the “gigolette”, after cooking, roll in roasted buckwheat to give them a crispy texture.

7/ Remove the carcass and cut it in half, then grill with butter/sunflower oil/salt and pepper at 220°C for 15/20 minutes. Deglaze with pale ale (For us it will be from: The Tichemont brewery in Sainte Marie aux Chênes) and keep the cooking juices.

8/ Place the cooked carcass with its juices in a large cooking pot. Add water up to half the depth of the pot and add the vegetables cut into large chunks and cook over a medium heat for about 30 minutes.

9/ Strain through a sieve and return to the heat until reduced by ¼.

10/ Add the butter and whisk the sauce vigorously.  Adjust the seasoning if necessary.


The Chef and the Producer

MOS'elles cooks

Discover the YouTube channel of the Chef Jodie from the Avec Amour restaurant and her recipes that are easy for you to try at home.

MOS 'elles cuisinent - Bande annonce
MOS 'elles cuisinent - Bande annonce
MOS 'elles cuisinent - Bande annonce