From mythology
to Ancient Greece
It all began with Prometheus, who, despite Zeus’ threats, stole fire from Olympus to give it to mankind. In so doing, he gave them the gift of knowledge. Even so, he was chained to the summit of Mount Caucasus, with the eternal torment of seeing his liver devoured daily by an eagle. It’s no laughing matter with the gods of Olympus!
In ancient Greece, the memory of this sacrifice was perpetuated not only during religious ceremonies, but also during the Games. At the heart of the Olympia sanctuary, where the athletes’ banquet was held, a sacred flame was lit on the altar of the goddess Hestia. This flame had to remain lit for the duration of the competition. If it was extinguished, it had to be rekindled using the heat of the sun.
With the help of a parabolic mirror, the heat generated by the sun’s rays converging at its center created a new flame. So when the weather was bad, our Greek friends were in a real bind…