See the machine tools and watch the fort come to life
We love the guide’s stories about the soldiers’ lives
Discover the local history
In front of the defence blockhouse, you reach a depth of 30 metres.
We really go deep into the entrails of the Michelsberg. The smell of diesel makes us feel as if we’re in a factory; in front of us are 4 engines. We start the DeLorean and are transported 80 years back in time into the shoes of Lieutenant Bertoletti. We quietly make our way to the workshop, where Georges, my colleague, is restoring machine tools. It is thanks to him that we are able to maintain this 6,000 m² behemoth. Next are the living quarters with the showers, toilets and barracks. Then, it’s time for some food and we head for the kitchens. One for the officers and another for the troops.
Time to gradually return towards the surface up a 30-metre staircase. When we reach the lower floor, it’s time for the guide to do some sport. That’s right, it’s time to arm the turret. The 80-year-old behemoth comes back to life. It weighs 265 tons making it the largest turret in this fortification. It is the only one in North-East France that can be visited from the inside. One floor above are the various controls for operating rotation and the cannons.
After visiting its installations, extremely modern for the 1940s, we arrive at the infantry and artillery command posts. The central nerve system of this underground city, where the organisation of everyday life and the building’s defence took place, we make our way to the front of the structure with its 5 combat blocks. The B6 is equipped with a turret for two 135 mm bomb launchers. Extremely effective, it fulfilled all its functions during attacks on the Michelsberg. After 2.5 hours, the group deserves a coffee. And that is when my visit to the Michelsberg ends.