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In 2024, tourism rhymes with Olympism

Sport is in the spotlight this year, culminating in the passage of the Flame through our region. To mark the occasion, the experts at Pays Thionvillois Tourisme intend to prove to you that culture and sport can go hand in hand.

The origin of the Sacred Flame

France has been waiting a century for the Olympic Games to return to its shores, and Moselle has been hoping for the light of the Olympic flame to shine through it for 76 years. Zoom in on the origins of one of sport’s greatest symbols.

The Olympic flame is without doubt one of the most famous symbols associated with the Olympic Games. But do you know the origins of this tradition?

The Flame visits Yutz and Thionville

A look back at this historic event, which we were privileged to attend! The Relais de la Flamme route criss-crossed the Moselle on June 27, 2024, stopping off in Yutz – Thionville.

Details of the route, the extensive program of events organized for the day and parking arrangements can be found on the websites of the towns crossed.

Sports portraits

They are Mosellans by birth or by heart, and they make the Thionville region shine at the highest sporting level. In this Olympic year, we wanted to honor some of these personalities and share their passion with you. Let’s take a closer look at some almost ordinary champions with extraordinary backgrounds.


not to be missed
All sporting events

